
Why Invest in Zambia?

The country’s central and hub location in the region as well as a combination of the following key strengths makes Zambia an ideal investment location:

  1. Peace and a stable political system
  2. Positive and investor-friendly economic environment
  3. Guarantees and security to investors with legislated rights to full and market value compensation
  4. Abundant natural resources presenting excellent investment and trade opportunities
  5. Thriving private sector
  6. Attractive investment incentives
  7. Unlimited repatriation of profits
  8. Progressive banking, legal and insurance services of international standards and stock exchange market
  9. Duty-free access to regional, wider Africa, EU and USA markets
  10. Good place to work and live – sub-tropical climate, friendly people, mostly English speaking, open-air lifestyle with nature reserves, game parks, rivers, lakes and waterfalls
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