
Business Opportunities


 Zambia possesses huge amount of potential in the agriculture sector. Well gifted with good soil and an area of 53 million hectares arable land out of which only 15% is in use, ample amount of surface and underground water, climate conditions appropriate for the cultivation of a wide variety of crops like wheat, soya, bean, coffee, cotton, tobacco, sugar, paprika etc.

The Zambian government is also contributing to the enhancement of this sector by allocating vast tracks of land near the rail and road networks for prospective investors and electrification of these blocks is underway. Agro-processing of wheat, soya beans, cotton, tobacco, spices, sugar and vegetables is encouraged to add value to local produce. Special incentives are offered to commercial and small-holder farmers.


The manufacturing contributes to around 11% to the GDP and 10% to the employment. Opportunities for investment in this sector include food processing, beverages, textiles, leisure, smelting and refining of copper and other metals and metal products, petroleum refining, the production of fertilisers, chemicals, explosives, cement, tobacco products and textiles.

Another important reason for greater potential for investment in the manufacturing sector is that the sector possesses all the vital required elements such as raw materials, labour force, abundant land and a good banking and financial system. Measures have been put in place to support growth within the sector including the creation of Multi-facility Economic Zones (MFEZs), credit provision and industrial skills training.


Zambia has a vast endowment of metals, gemstones, industrial minerals and potential energy resources including coal, hydrocarbons, and more recently, uranium. Zambia is one of the world’s largest producers of copper and cobalt. It also has considerable reserves of selenium and silver, in addition to minor quantities of gold.


Hydro power accounts for 99% of electricity production with the major sources being Kafue Gorge, Kariba North Bank and Victoria Falls power stations. Zambia’s current installed hydro-power capacity is about 2300MW, while resource potential stands at an estimated 6000mw.

Infrastructure development

 Zambia attaches importance to Infrastructure development as it is an essential driver of competitiveness and critical for ensuring the effective functioning of any economy. In this regard, investment opportunities in this sector aims at having reliable and effective infrastructure in terms of: airports, road networks, railway lines, energy generation and transmission installations and telecommunication infrastructure.


Zambia’s tourism potential as one-stop destination, offers excellent prospects for advancement. There are 19 National Parks, 23 Game Management Areas, the largest Water Fall in the world and 23 million hectares devoted to the conservation of a spectacular variety of animals, the scope for an integrated quality tourism related investment is very attractive. Wildlife such as Elephant, Leopard, Lion, Cheetah, Rhinoceros, Zebra, Giraffe, Hippopotamus, Crocodile, Buffalo, Impala, Antelope, Baboon and a host of smaller creatures as well as over 700 species of Birds can be seen. There is potential of adventure holidays -white-water rafting, canoeing, rock-climbing, hand-gliding, fishing, bungi-jumping at Victoria Falls including its unique walking safaris offer excellent tourism potential.

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